HVK 10 Drive

It all began with my addiction for Cars and Planes since early childhood. When I was just 3 years old, dad used to ask what should I get for you when I come home? And I was like a Plane or a Red Car!! Growing up I was still fascinated by the sound of throttle from the cars and bikes. It literally calms me down. Fast forward a few years and I heard of HVK Sir for the first time. When one of my friends introduced me to that name, I was in awe of it. And I was like how someone could literally remember all the routes across pan India. No matter where one was stuck, one phone call to HVK and they were back on the track listening to their favorite songs. I searched a bit on HVK and stumbled upon the HVK Forum on Facebook. I quickly joined the group and found so many like minded folks from across the country. We literally get so many updates each day, thanks to the forum. After following the forum actively, one fine day I got to know about the HVK WhatsApp Group (WAG) and joined that to...