Arc of Life!!
Now that Game of Thrones (GoT) is done and dusted on the show, we are still figuring out the What and How, when it ended. While some are happy about the way show got to its end, many are still reeling with shock on how to handle the aftermath. And just like the political discussions among friends, colleagues or any random person you find in public transport, fandom have been divided with their own perspective ending the show should have had. Thinking more about the end, makes me wonder and think hard on how our own lives takes a turn without even slightest clue about few things. The very first thought that comes to my mind is, is my destiny just like my father or will it be different? Will I have to go through the same thing just like other elders around me or will I write my own path? Millions of questions popping every passing minute. On the other hand, I sway towards my positive side too. Hec...