My Son's First Road Trip!!
Being an admirer of nature and traveling, I always wanted my son to start early on road trips and was thinking on nearby place where I could take him to ASAP. Around 2 months back, I and my dad were having this discussion of going to our native place which we always do once a year. And my dad an avid traveler (though he didn’t travel many places apart from Gujarat because he couldn’t but am sure he would have had time and money permitted. I got this travel bug from my parents) himself suggested of taking a road trip to Gujarat. He is very much keen on taking one himself for a long time now. So, I got on doing some research and preparing itinerary. The only thing that stopped me from taking this trip right away was Grey Wind as many of you got to know her from my previous post. It’s a mouse and we are a family of five and a half (me, wife, our 5-month-old son, my folks and sister) which makes it uncomfortable for such a long drive. We finally decided on breaking this journey in pa...